Homeowners Links

As a service to our homeowners and lot owners, we have linked various documents that you may find useful. Every document is in pdf format and can be downloaded or printed quickly. Just click and enter the password.

Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions as of Oct. 2019

The following Amended CCR Restated  were adopted by the Chelaque Homeowners’ Association, Inc.

Click Here for  CCR

Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions, By-Laws, and Amendments

The following Amended CCR By laws were adopted by the Chelaque Homeowners’ Association, Inc.

Click Here  for CCR Amendments

Amended and Restated By-Laws

The following Amended and Restated By-Laws were adopted by the Chelaque Homeowners’ Association, Inc. (“Association”) on the 12th day of March, 2018, and supersede all prior By-Laws which are hereby repealed.

Click here to read By-Laws

Policies and Procedures

The following contains all the policies for all committees. Click on this link to see a current Table of Contents.

Click the button below to read the policies.

Click here for Policies

Chelaque Estates Watch Team Security Protocol

The Chelaque Home Owners’ Association (CHOA) has created a Chelaque Estates Watch Team for the purpose of establishing a security protocol for community response and the dissemination of information in the event of criminal or suspicious activity occurring within the Chelaque Estates community.

Click Here

Compliment or Concerns Form

Your web browser will indicate when this form has finished downloading. Click to open that downloaded file, then click on "Enable Editing" (top middle of screen), then you can fill out this form. Once completed, save it to your computer and then email the completed form to [email protected].

Click Here

Chelaque Estates Watch Team Bios

The current members of your Chelaque Watch Team include Jerry Keys, Keith (Pat) Casey, Don Williams, and Kurt Etterer. Here's a bit about their backgrounds.

Click Here

Neighbors Helping Neighbors

In this section is information about the Neighbors Helping Neighbors and Medical Equipment Loan programs.

Click Here

Gate Malfunction Procedures

In the event of a failure of the gate to open, refer to this document regarding what to do.

Click Here


Welcome to Chelaque! We trust that you are as excited about your new property as we are about having you join the neighborhood. Chelaque is a highly active, friendly community in a beautiful, natural setting. Congratulations on your purchase!

To help you get started, here are some important FAQ’s. Please have this information ready: • Your contact information, including email and phone number. • Address of your new property • Date of closing • Real estate company and agent contact. Send contact information to the treasurer by sending email to [email protected].

Q:How do new homes get added to the 911 call system. A: New homes need to be reported to the 911 Administration so the address can be plotted and verified. Please call 423-272-7532 to report a new home to the system.

Q: How do I get access through the gate?
A: Fill out gate access form provided below and email to [email protected]. We will set you up with a five-digit code to help you get started. When you get to the gate, punch in your code and hit the Call button. Your phone will ring. Answer it and hit 9. The gate should open. Once we have been notified that your property is closed, you can apply to get an access card ($10) or Windshield sticker ($25) or a remote ($30) through the Homeowners’ Link on the website or form below.

To get your code, contact:
Contact the Access Chair at [email protected]
Q: How do I get access to the Homeowners’ link on www.chelaqueestates.com ?
A: Our website is a helpful resource for information about Chelaque. We strongly encourage you to review the Documents Link under the Homeowners’ Link, which is password protected since only property/homeowners are allowed access.

To get the code, please contact the CHOA President at: [email protected]

Q: Who do I contact with marina questions?

The Marina Chair - [email protected]

Q: Who do I contact with questions about tree removal, clearing my lot, building, and/or making alterations to my property?

The Architectural Chair -  [email protected]


To get Gate access form click on image above


To get Marina form click on image above


To get Covered Slip form click on image above


To get Tree form click on image above

Neighborhood Reminder

Chelaque has an email mailing list that we use to disseminate official information and community news. To add your email to our list, contact [email protected]. Please remember that all signs (for sale or property name) must be at least 4 feet away from the edge of the road. The road edges are mowed regularly during spring and summer and these signs will prevent the mowers from doing their best job. If you are a part-time resident or your home is on the market, please make sure your yard is maintained and grass is mowed regularly. We all love our pets, but if your pet relieves itself in the road or in someone's front yard, please remember to move it to the side of the road so it's not stepped on by other walkers, picked up by car tires, or left for a homeowner to discard. Also remember that according to our Covenants and Restrictions, all pets must be leashed or under the control of homeowners at all times. Chelaque members may contact the treasurer by e-mail for financial information at [email protected] For contacting board members, please visit the Chelaque Contacts page.


In 2020, the CHOA Board recognized the need for a comprehensive yet flexible method for tracking past actions and laying out a plan for the future of Chelaque. Until this time, Board members often had to consult with former chairs and/or go through files to get the necessary history and information related to decisions for repairs and maintenance. No plan was in place to address the needs and desires to improve our community for the future. As Chelaque continues to change and grow, the Board recognized the difficulties in: • Finding information that is not only helpful but could be critical for making decisions • Meeting challenges and planning for community projects • Moving from a break/fix and maintenance mode to more of a maintenance and prevention model for the marina and the roads. As a result, the Board began working on the Community Action Plan (CAP). Within the CAP are three main Call to Action outlines for: • Activities • Marina • Roads Each individual Call to Action addresses the Histories, Five Year Action Plan and Future for each of these areas, as well as a running record of the Board chairs for easier future consultations. The CAP is intended to be a live, working document that can adjusted and changed based upon facts, research, budgets, and community input and needs. The CAP will be continually evaluated, adjusted, and updated throughout each chair’s tenure. If you have any questions or suggestions for the CAP, they should be directed to whomever is in the current Board President position.


Click on Image to get document


Click on Image to get document


Click on Image to get document

Marina Study 2021

Click here to get study

Roads Study 2022 A

Click here to get study

Roads Study 2022 B

Click here to get study


The below files are for the Chelaque Pavilion plan. It has six files that are included, click on any picture to review the documentation. The files are: 1. Call to Action Chelaque Pavilion Area Development Master Plan 2. Chelaque Pavilion Site Plan 3. Committee Evaluations and Recommendations 4. Pavilion area development plan All-purpose pad. 5.PPT Pavilion area Development Master Plan 6. Project Risk Mitigation Pavilion Area Development Master PlanAdd your description here.

CALL TO ACTION Pavilion Area Development Master Plan

Chelaque Pavilion Site Plan 

Committee Evaluations and Recommendations

Pavilion Area Development All-Purpose Pad Andrews Estimate

PPT Pavilion Area Development Master Plan

Project Risk Mitigation Pavilion Area Development Master Plan

Join Us On Facebook

Chelaque has a private Facebook group. If you wish to join it please send an email to the address below

Send an email to [email protected]

The above email address is the Administrator for the Chelaque group. You will need to provide the admin person your Name and Chelaque address or (lot number) as the Facebook page is private to Chelaque owners only.

Meeting Minutes, Upcoming Agendas, and Surveys

Everything in here is password protected. Click pictures below to view meeting minutes, upcoming agenda, and surveys.

BOD Meeting Minutes

Click picture above to view all BOD Meeting Minutes from February 2023 to present.

Upcoming BOD Agenda

Click picture above to view the current BOD Agenda.

Homeowner Survey

Click picture above to view the most recent Homeowner Survey.

Past Annual Meeting Minutes Through 2024

You will need the homeowners password for this section.

Here you will find all annual meeting minutes,  starting with 2020 to the present year. These are not the monthly meeting minutes, these are the annual meetings that are held once a year. Everything is in PDF format for easy printing and viewing. To view any years minutes, just click on the year in the Table of Contents and the document will jump to that year.

Click Here

Archived Minutes

You will need the Password for this section.
You can view past meeting minutes from Apr. 2012 through Dec 2020. The Document is in pdf format and easy to print or view. Skip ahead by using the table of contents. To view any month just click on month in table of contents and that month will come up

Forms, Documents, & Policy

These are not password protected and can be downloaded if needed at any time.

Gate Access (Homeowners)

For gate access application (Homeowners Only) , click below

Click Here

Gate Access (Contractors)

For key card request form (Contractors Only) , click below

Click Here

Tree Removal Procedures

For procedures on tree removal, click below

Click Here

Procedure for Home/Lot Improvements

For procedures on home/lot improvements, click below

Click Here

Vehicle Access Requirement

For vehicle access requirements, click below

Click Here

Roads Scope of Services

To view our scope of services, click below

Click Here

Building Process

If you would like to view our building process, click below

Click Here

Roads 5 Year Plan
(2018 - 2023)

To view our 5 Year Road Plan, click below

Click Here

Request for Exemption to Common Area Use

To view and print form click link below.

Click here

Marina Use Policy And Forms

These are not password protected and can be viewed or downloaded

Marina Use Policy & Procedures

In here is our policy for marina use and procedures. Please click button below to view or download them.

Click Here

Covered Dock Reservation Request

In here is our covered dock and reservation request form. Please click button below to view or download them.

Click Here

Marina/Boat Registration Form

In here is our marina/boat registration form. Please click button below to view or download them.

Click Here

Chelaque Boating/Dock Safety and Good Neighbor Guidelines

In here is our Boating and Dock policy for the marina. Please click button below to view or download them.

Click Here

Tennessee Boating Laws and Responsibilities

In here is the Tennessee Boating Laws manual. Please click button below to view or download them.

Click Here

Hunting Policy

Chelaque's Covenants and Restrictions prohibit hunting or the discharge of any weapon on Chelaque property, including vacant lots. You can access the Hunting Policy and Information for more information. If you see anyone violating this restriction, please report them to the board of directors by completing a Concerns form above. To view the policy, click below.

Click Here